Everything about this car be it design, engineering, elegance, beauty, refinement and luxury are on the threshold point of the finest imagination of car making turned into reality
When you look at Wraith it echoes the creation of close resemblance to that of nature’s finest and most powerful creations. It exudes the exterior elegance and beauty of a leopard, a black panther or a tiger and their striking masculinity and power waiting to spring into action.
The Wraith is not about striking a balance it’s about pushing the boundaries of car making. Everything about this car be it design, engineering, elegance, beauty, refinement and luxury are on the threshold point of the finest imagination of car making turned into reality.

India’s love affair with Rolls-Royce Motor Cars dates back more than 100 years, described as one of the world’s longest relationships with one automobile manufacturer. Over a period of five decades, Maharajas and princes have purchased over 840 unique Rolls-Royce motor cars.
Wraith is the most powerful, dynamic Rolls-Royce in history, its twin-turbo V12 engine develops 624 BHP, 800 Nm are available to driver from 1,500 rpm and 0-60 mph is achieved
in 4.4 seconds
The 21st century wealthy Indians, a new generation of confident gentlemen and women want to taste the power of putting their right foot to experience the velocity of 640 horse powered engine and taking the adventure into their own hands rather than taking the back seat. It is a car that draws superlatives, it is a machine whose starting point is luxury, refinement and quality, but with a character that exudes power, style, drama.

Wraith is the most powerful, dynamic Rolls-Royce in history, its twin-turbo V12 engine develops 624 BHP / 465kW, 800 Nm are available to driver from 1,500 rpm and 0-60 mph is achieved in 4.4 seconds (0-62 in 4.6 seconds). This abundant power is delivered effortlessly with the introduction of Satellite Aided Transmission* – a technology that utilises GPS mapping data technology to allow the car to see beyond what the driver sees. Anticipating the driver’s next move based on current location and driving style, always ensuring the most appropriate gear is selected for the terrain ahead.

Wraith’s coach doors open to present a warm, harmonious space furnished with every luxury accoutrement you’d expect in a Rolls-Royce. The eye is immediately drawn to an elegant sweep of tactile wood that exquisitely furnishes the car’s lower hull. Beyond this, starlight headliner completes the glamour and further enhances Wraith’s luxurious atmosphere.

The excitement of drama is expressed in the most beautiful sweeping lines of the fastback. Taught lines, a wider rear track and muscular haunches evoke a sense of dynamic potential, akin to a black panther, poised to pounce. Wraith is a picture of urgent anticipation. Frameless coach doors impart a sense of theatre and occasion whilst ensuring effortless entry and egress. The name Wraith complements the noir character of the car – a never still entity that cannot be corralled. When Wraith passes by, the world stands still, including the black panther.