Delhi-based leather goods brand Nappa Dori’s first Mumbai store is all set to open its doors to discerning customers by the middle of next month. The brand is known for their luxe yet quirky products featuring ethnic Indian imagery on things like laptop bags and satchels, such as vintage pictures of cows and old cars. A few leather accessories also feature paintings of British soldiers and commanders on Indian streets. The Mumbai store, which is still under construction, is located right next to Taj Palace Hotel in Colaba and you can expect to browse through a lineup of exquisite leather products, right from trunks and bags to a full range of stationery, along with home decor and quirky umbrellas. What’s more, the Mumbai store will offer something unique: the opportunity of owning a customised, bespoke luxe leather product. The brand intends to introduce personalisation services at the Mumbai store. This boutique would take the brand’s tally of stores to six, after their stores in Delhi, NCR, and Bengaluru. Nappa Dori is now also eyeing the international market, with plans to open their first international store in Maldives by the end of this year.