Move over, solid gold toilets and potty seats. The gold-plated turd sculpture is here to blow away everyone’s mind with its mindboggling absurdity. So if you can actually imagine poop as art, this gold turd is all yours for $350. In fact, if you’d like things to be a little more…er… realistic, there are the charcoal and black porcelain versions too, which you can have for just $20. What’s more, apparently the fancy faeces also boasts of being based on Archimedean principles! The turds’ geometry is based on the combination of an Archimedean spiral (r = a + bθ) and the Golden Ratio / Phi in triangles (a = 1, b = √φ, c = φ). The latter proportion is found in Egyptian Pyramids. Guess you could say it’s a genius gold turd.