BMW 330i Gran Turismo M Sport has made its India debut, priced at priced at Rs 49.40 lakh (Ex-showroom). Flaunting a sporty exterior, the BMW 330i Gran Turismo is available in Alpine White as non-metallic colour and Estoril Blue as metallic colour. With several exterior upgrades to enhance sportiness, the new BMW also offers range of excellent upholstery combinations in M Sport including Leather Dakota Veneto Beige/Oyster dark highlight – Veneto Beige and Leather Dakota Cognac/Brown highlight – Black. Mechanically, the BMW 330i Gran Turismo M Sport is powered by the four-cylinder turbocharged petrol engine that belts out 250bhp and 350Nm of torque, enabling the 0-100 km/hr sprint in in 6.1 seconds. The engine is married to the 8-speed Steptronic automatic gearbox and available with steering wheel paddle shifters. The BMW 330i Gran Turismo M Sport comes with cruise control with braking functions as standard, as well as excellent safety features.